Innovative software tools
We use our own innovative software tools to support learning and development and to promote interaction and collaboration.
My Hero's Journey
Personal development
Our interactive learning and development app with journeys for personal development and personal leadership. The tool that gives employees insight into - and grip on - their development.
Discover your strengths
My Hero's Journey inspires people to discover where their strength lies. What drives you? What are your talents and your saboteurs? On which points can you still improve? How does this align with organizational goals?
Stop POP!
With My Hero's Journey people continuously work on personal growth. In addition, there is also an Online Academy with soft skill and leadership training. It works super well as an extension of our physical workouts.
Deliver your goals
The app activates people to get moving. You work on your personal development with a 'sprint board' in which you realize your ambitions and development goals. Take your first step today!
What is your preferred behavioral style?
A LINK profile maps out your behavioral and communication preferences. Are you a doer, a thinker, a feeler or a willer? The tool not only shows how you see yourself, but also how others see you (360-degree feedback).
Understand yourself and others better
It is a practical tool that helps you better understand yourself and others. It makes the qualities and pitfalls of individuals, teams and the organization as a whole visible. This results in better collaboration and better performance.
Tailor-made assessments
Our assessment tool LEAD is designed in such a way that you can test your people, team or organization in various areas. You can use the standard scans or we can design a scan together with you that perfectly matches the values, goals and behavioral characteristics of your team.
Organizational Engagement Scan
This assessment measures the level of commitment to the goals of the organization.
Team Effectiveness Scan
This scan measures the effectiveness and maturity of your team.
Personal Performance Scan
This assessment measures the extent to which you work effectively on an individual level.